About Me | Hsuan-Kung Yang

I am Hsuan-Kung Yang (楊炫恭), a Research Scientist in Woven by Toyota, Japan and a Ph.D student in ELSA Lab at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan.
My field of interests lie in the intersection of computer vision (CV) and and reinforcement learning (RL). I try to improve the perception modules and apply them to the autonomous systems.
Currently, I focus on the fields of “Representation Learning for RL”, “Optical Flow Estimation”, and “Human Behavior Understanding”.
See Résumé and Publications for more →.
- One IROS’24 paper and one ECCV’24 paper accepted! See you in Italy (つ´ω`)つ!.
- One CVPR’24 paper accepted!
- One CVPR’23 paper and one WACV’23 paper accepted!
- One IROS’22 paper has been accepted! The demo video can be accessed here.
- The extented version of our paper “Single-Stage Flow Forecasting for Future Multiple Trajectories Prediction” has been accepted by the ECCV’22, see you in Israel (つ´ω`)つ!
- Our paper “Single-Stage Flow Forecasting for Future Multiple Trajectories Prediction” has been accepted by the 4th IEEE/CVF CVPR Precognition Workshop!
- One WACV’22 full paper accepted 🎉🎉! This work was conducted during my internship at Rakuten Institue of Technology.
- I am thrilled to announce that I joined Woven Planet as a Research Scientist from November 2021! I am part of the Vision AI Platform team in the amazing Woven City project.
- I will serve in the program committee of ACML 2021 Workshop on Machine Learning for Mobile Robot Vision and Control (MRVC).
- I will join Mercari, Inc. as a Machine Learning Intern from September to October, 2021!
- One ICML’21 RL Theory Workshop short paper accepted.
- It’s unfortunate and sad that the OMRON SINIC internship is canceled due to the COVID-19 :(.
- I’m going to OMORN SINIC X, Japan as a Computer Vision Research intern during May to November, 2021.
- One IJCAI’20 full paper accepted.
Quick Overview of Github Projects
See my Github Page for more →.